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Surviving Isolation

Written by Blog Blog


Posted on April 01 2020

We received such great feedback from our last set of isolation tips on Instagram that we wanted to bring you some more strategies to help enhance your mood and well-being during this strange time.



Need we say more? Maintaining a balanced, healthy diet and eating at regular intervals remains as important as ever. It helps to keep your blood sugar stable, which in turn can help improve your mood, give you more energy and help you think more clearly (giving you a winning chance for your next virtual pub quiz!). This strange time is a great opportunity to get creative and try out some new dishes that you might not have had the time to explore before. We’ve been using @deliciousmag for regular food inspiration and have had a lot of fun trying out some new dishes. They are also at hand to help you with any recipes where you might be struggling to get your hands on certain ingredients – so don’t let the panic buyers put you off!

Leap & Loop Isolation Stay At Home To Do's



You’ve just checked out @deliciousmag and have a tasty treat in store for dinner… but don’t forget that you may be moving around less on a day-to-day basis. Time to get some home workouts planned out, so your menu doesn’t need to be compromised. We are spoilt for choice with the amount of fitness and workout inspiration available at this time, so make the most of it and get involved! We have been tuning in to @aliceliveing‘s live daily workouts to get our sweat on, what a way to start the day right. What’s better, you can choose the location - roll out your mat in the living room or make the most of a sunny day… and don’t worry if you are the upstairs neighbour, you will be able to find a workout perfectly tailored to suit you and your downstairs neighbours needs.

Leap & Loop Lockdown To Do's Stay at home



Creating your workout schedule to suit your new routine, and writing up a weekly menu to keep the whole house happy is a great start, but make sure you set aside some time in your routine to challenge your brain and keep yourself stimulated. There are so many options at your disposal, from listening to a podcast (remember to check out our top 5 must listens), tuning into Disney + (it would be rude not to relive your childhood) or reading a book. But, if you really want to challenge yourself then why not try learning a new skill? This is made so much easier with the plethora of apps available, so get on the app store and see what tickles your fancy. You could start with learning a new language – because holidays won’t be cancelled forever! Or maybe try your hand at some gardening or DIY and finish off the room you have been meaning to decorate for 2 years…

Leap & Loop Stay At Home To Do's



You have had a pretty busy day with all that cooking, exercise and brain stimulation. Now it’s time to relax! Remember it is ok to take a breather and relax – you don’t need Frankie to tell you this. It doesn’t have to take up a ton of time either, simply taking a step back from something stressful for a few minutes or taking time away from your routine and thoughts can give you enough space and distance to feel calmer. There’s no right or wrong way to relax – do some yoga, take a bath or have a pamper session - you do you.

Leap & Loop Relax Isolation Tips Stay At Home


It's all about balance so don’t beat yourself up if you’re not feeling up to anything. Sometimes having a lazy day watching Netflix is exactly what your mind and body needs, so just go with it!

Stay Safe Leap & Loopers x