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5 Ways To Feel Good About You

Written by Blog Blog


Posted on April 05 2022

If you’re about to gulp down a teeth-sticking protein drink in an oversized shaker, then this is for you. So, please put down the shaker and hear me out because I know it’s impossible to get away from the fad dietician’s declaring that “You need to change!” and “here’s how!” tips especially at this time of year and I’m most certainly guilty of being swept up in this hysteria but listen to me: YOU ARE FINE, THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU AND YOU DO NOT, I repeat (for emphasis in case the caps aren’t enough) DO NOT NEED TO CHANGE. What you are, is all sorts of lovely and the only thing you need to change is your attitude and how you feel about yourself. That’s it!


So, let’s get started because Summer is around the corner…


1. Cut back your time online

“Comparison is the thief of joy” if I could scream this down the phone at you I would, so stop stalking celebs you believe have a “better body” or following the insta accounts that tell you to “just eat this once a week” to achieve your dream body. Guaranteed that if you cut back and cut down, you’ll feel infinitely better within a few days.

 2. Stop weighing yourself everyday

Your weight naturally fluctuates day to day, so weighing yourself every morning will only dictate your mood for the rest of the day. We’d obviously support you (with overly enthused cheering) in ditching the scales altogether, but if you must weigh yourself ensure you do it weekly at the same time with the same clothes (or none at all).

3. Find the silver linings

This can be mentally very challenging, but the next time something goes wrong or doesn’t quite go the way you planned, try and find the positives in the situation. For example, if you didn’t get that job or promotion at work instead of beating yourself up about it try telling yourself I’m proud I went for it and at least I’ve got some interview experience for next time.  Finding the good in things will boost your self-esteem and train your mind to cope with unexpected situations.


4. Take note of the compliments

This links back to the last point – if you have insecurities your immediate tendency when you hear a compliment is to brush it off or ignore it altogether, instead try to take note of them! We don’t just mean a mental note but physically write them down e.g., “you’re funny” “love your dress” “good work!”, whatever the compliment, jot it down and re-read them all at the end of the week and see just how amazing you are! Reflecting on all your lovely notes from the week will only make you look at yourself in a more positive light!

 5. Mirror Mantra: You Are a Whole Person, You Are A Whole Person…

When looking at yourself in the mirror, it can be a habit to focus on that one part of your body that you don’t like about yourself like, (“ugh my thighs are horrible”). Take a step back and take in the whole picture, in doing so you’ll be less inclined to over-analyse those specific parts of yourself. So not, “how do my thighs look in these leggings?” but “how do I look today?” This can be tricky but if you’re strict with yourself you’ll see the dedication of body positivity spilling over into other areas of your life and you’ll come to realize that your looks do not define you. You’re wonderful both inside and out!